A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Managing the customer experience (CX) is now established as a business practice at most companies. It goes by many names – Customer Experience Management (CEM), Customer Feedback Management (CFM) and Voice of Customer (VOC) – but the idea is the same: Listen to customers during or immediately after an experience and take appropriate action on that feedback to improve CX.
Utility companies interact with customers every day. Utilities are working to reenvision what it means to be customer-centric. This means ensuring they are providing services to attract and retain customers. They are forming customer experience departments, commissioning working groups, and investing in tools and research to support customer -focused messaging.
This conference focuses on how to create the best, most practical CX journey within your company. Essentially, this conference will serve as a business networking platform which will highlight the journey towards CX Management from various companies in this industry, talk about existing challenges and opportunities for the business.
Who should attend?
Members of board, C-level, Senior/Global Vice Presidents, Directors, Heads of departments from utilities sector involved in:
- Customer Experience
- Customer Strategy
- Customer Engagement
- Customer Interaction
- Voice of Customer
- Digital Transformation
- Digital Department
- Client Experience
- Digital Engagement
- Omni-channel Management
- Multi-channel Management
- Customer Excellence
- Customer Service
- Marketing
- Sales
Key Points:
- Shaping exceptional CX
- Omnichannel strategy and digital transformation: a needed revolution for utility companies
- How data will support customers on their road to net zero?
- Measuring CX success and why it matters
- Agile as a way of working to deliver brilliant customer experience
- How to build & implement Customer Experience Management within IT Operations?
- Why Customer centricity is an important for our #climapositive strategy?
- How Plenitude promoted and embraced the customer centricity at 360 degrees?
- Showcasing how AFW developed their initial customer focused startegy
- How utilities can shift from doing digital to being digital?
Why should companies attend?
Attendees will hear about the latest technology and approaches that are being implemented in CXM. They will hear case studies from companies that have tried and tested new and different strategies .Will learn what is important to focus on when improving their CXM, and what is not important. Topics and speakers are chosen to address the current problems as well as innovating ideas – meaning attendees will receive knowledge allowing them to stay ahead of the competition. The two days of this virtual meeting give an excellent opportunity of networking with a great group of people where sharing experience is the main goal.