12th & 13th November 2020
Successful e-Commerce implementations allow B2C organizations to meet market demands and their customers’ needs. With more new channels comes more ways to reach consumers, influence commercial behavior and trends, and increase profits. This improves their scalability resulting in new sales channels, market segments and potential partners.
This move from off to online in the B2C industry provides new opportunities for increased parent company awareness in an industry where product awareness tends to overshadow. For example, people are aware and have positive connotations of Oreo cookies , Dove body products, and Cheerios, rather than Mondelez, Unilever and General Mills (the respective manufacturing companies), which is only compounded by the fact that the majority of purchases take place in big retailers like Tesco, Albert, Carrefour, and online pure-play sites like Amazon. Increasing eCommerce presence and digital engagement allows these conglomerates to rethink the relationships and company awareness they have with their consumers.
With the advent of tools capable of sifting through mountains of data and pulling out the key insights, especially those that use AI to do so, marketers and eCommerce professionals have more opportunity than ever to segment their customer base, understand what drives shoppers to different channels, and increase profit and engagement through campaigns personalized for the channel – or even the individual!
Key Points:
- Challenges and opportunities while implementing a digital strategy within an international franchise organization
- Maximizing profitability through pure-players and e-retailers in time of Covid-19
- B2B customer engagement for long term commercial relationship
- Fostering loyalty or Does loyalty exist in the 21 century eCommerce
- Best practice in customer segmentation to thoroughly understand their requirements
- Adapting sales and marketing strategies to digital disruption and increased buyer expectations
- Expand and improve existing omni-channel systems
- Centralizing eCommerce in your business in time of world crisis